AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2024-04-19fix: audio thread now uses a separate stack from the main threadaudioalaric
2024-04-18Add printing code to audio_workletalaric
2024-04-18feat: basic audio handlingalaric
2024-04-17Sine wave!alaric
2024-04-17Got some audio coming from the wasm sidealaric
2024-04-17Make an audio workletalaric
2024-04-14feat: add support for arrow keysHEADmasteralaric
2024-04-14feat!: distinguish between vec4 and trunc vec4alaric
2024-04-14Add support for float arrays in shadersalaric
2024-04-14Make game loading more easily applicable to a variety of web shellsalaric
2024-04-13feat:Add a new way to do key inputalaric
2024-04-12feat:setCursor and absalaric
2024-04-12Add view to basic shaderalaric
2024-04-10fix!: put delta_time back as a function paramalaric
2024-04-10fix!:make matrix z rotation go clockwise instead of ccwalaric
2024-04-10feat: mouse input and vec2 shader input buffersalaric
2024-04-09fix!: move Color out of webgl filealaric
2024-04-09feat: add basic mouse supportalaric
2024-04-08Fix name issue in READMEalaric
2024-04-08Actually got the dependency to work now. Included a template build.zig in READMEalaric
2024-04-08Move target check into comptime code rather than build.zigalaric
2024-04-08Fix broken pathsalaric
2024-04-08Make root engine module publicalaric
2024-04-08Initial Commitalaric